
Tour Hangzhou: Hangzhou Express Tour

Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, more than 200 cars from the tourist bus, full of thousand of tourists on New Year's morning from Hangzhou to Huangshan, hangzhou tours formed this year in Shanghai - Hangzhou - Huangshan online visitors the first branch army.
     New Year's Day afternoon, Shanghai, Hangzhou and Huangshan Wushan Square in Hangzhou, the three held a joint Shanghai - Hangzhou - Huangshan golden tourist line start-departure ceremony. Three hundred tourism sector are also invited to tour the country to visit tourist routes head, holding high-quality tourist promotion, the organization held in Yangtze River Delta, traveling by car multiple car clubs.
     In the afternoon of the departure ceremony, the Shanghai Municipal Tourism Administrative Commission of Hangzhou Tourism Committee and Huangshan Municipal Tourism Bureau issued a "mountain city name Lake" Tourism Cooperation Declaration line. Three parties pledged to strengthen regional cooperation, to jointly develop the market, to create tourist brands, sharing travel resources, and expand the 2010 Shanghai World Expo tourism effect.
     Connecting Hangzhou and Huangshan-Hangzhou-Anhui Expressway December 26, 2006 opened across the board. Currently by car from Hangzhou to Huangshan hangzhou travel as long as two and a half hours, and Shanghai via Hangzhou to Huangshan only 4 hours to form a connecting Shanghai, Hangzhou and Huangshan "mountain lake city name" golden tourist line.
     Ancient Huizhou Huangshan, Zhejiang Qiantang River the largest river on its upstream Xin'anjiang from Huangshan, a famous Ming and Qing Dynasties is the merchants along this waterway to Hangzhou, Suzhou, Shanghai and other places of doing business.For more information, please shift to China Adventure Tour

