
Huainan Regulates Tour Markers

To better promote the city's "creation of China's outstanding tourist city", and further improve the city's urban tourism functions, and establish a good image of tourism in Huainan, to better serve visitors to the Huai and the general public to provide quality travel services. Recently, the Municipal Tourism Bureau, the city Department of Transportation in the city state, provincial, city set up 18 main road signage tourist attractions.

In July, the Municipal Tourism Bureau, the city Department of Transportation to strengthen the tourist attractions in Huainan City, signage consultations, and come up with a preliminary program. To ensure the quality of tourist attractions signage, Tourism Bureau, the city Department of Transportation carefully with the National Tourism Administration, "China Excellent Tourism City inspection standards" and "public information signs with graphic symbols" and "Road traffic signs and markings," the national standard, accordance with the "strict standard, specification design, rational distribution," the principle of identity cards for tourist attractions set forth explicit requirements, and solicit the views of relevant departments, has organized a staff on-site survey, finalized set tourism signage a total of 18 locations. Signage of tourist attractions dimensions, pattern, color, also in accordance with uniform national standards by a professional design company. September, signage design is complete; November, signage stand building, construction officially began.For more information, please shift to China Adventure Tour

