
Suqian Safe Tour 2011

Model for further innovation and tourism promotion, tourism development in the province and the surrounding market, strong tourism promotion Suqian, July 27, Suqian Tourism and Suqian Post Office and Suqian seven tourist attractions, signed the "benefit tour in Jiangsu "tourism theme postcard-style discount coupon to join the agreement. Suqian Tourism Bureau, the city leaders and seven post-related tourist attractions attended the signing ceremony.

"Hui Yu Jiangsu" theme postcards discount coupon series of activities led by the provincial tourism bureau, the United Provinces postal company, will offer in the postcard-style print on the ticket to join attractions publicity pictures, text and ticket offers, sold the whole of society . "Hui Yu Jiangsu" postcards valid for 2 years, holding the postcard attractions for visitors, will enjoy three times within the validity period, tickets of not less than 8.5 fold.

The signing event Suqian total of seven was selected tourist attractions are: the hometown of King, Dragon King Temple palace, Hongze Lake Wetland Park, Hongze Lake Forest Park, Mu Island pier scenic travel, eco-tourism resort Willow Lake and the first drift thousands of miles the canal.For more information, please shift to China Adventure Tour

