
Guilin Tour: Bozhou City Tour

CPC Bozhou City introduced the "Communist Party Standing Committee Bozhou main points of 2008" (bo made ​​﹝ 2008 ﹞ 1 number), "issued in 2008 guilin tours Bozhou main points of the Municipal Standing Committee of task decomposition notice" (Bo Office for ﹝ 2008 ﹞ 1 No.) file, Bozhou tourism is listed as priorities in 2008.
     Notice clearly stated: "The outstanding characteristics of historical and cultural city, and increase cultural tourism resources Bozhou characteristics of mining and treatment, casting local cultural tourist products. Carry forward the business of Pop Culture mm, based on the characteristics of the three imperial culture in order to regain their health culture as the key to Taoist philosophy the soul of Bozhou culture as history, culture, playing the "historical and cultural city" brand, introduced to promote the tourism industry development policies, development of tourism industry development plan, the renovation and expansion guilin travel to accelerate the pace of scenic spots, speed vortex River with the pace of building economic and cultural ecology, and promote ecological, cultural, tourism and economic integration of the depth. "
     Full implementation of the Municipal Standing Committee for the tasks to promote the rise of tourism in Bozhou, Bozhou Tourism Bureau personnel to seriously study the development of implementation measures for the early to Bozhou playing a famous tourist destination.For more information, please shift to China Adventure Tour

