
Travel to Origin of Taihu Lake

By raising the teeming millions of people in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and the source of Taihu Lake is located here, hence the name Lake source. Source is located in the Taihu Lake south of Lake Hangzhou Lin'an Tianmushan source of the town, the town was name because of attractions, famous because hangzhou tours of attractions. Canyon Lake is the source terrain, miles long valley asparagus Gap is the main attraction. Jia Zhi canyon cliffs, rolling Castle, trees, flowers are blooming, the stream length songs, hanging waterfall plunging, the original nature of its main features.

Area of ​​vegetation coverage is 98%, rich in plant species, wild landscape plants over the mountain four seasons charming. Area is a wildlife paradise, live clouded leopard, black deer, monkeys and other national protected animals lake annual average temperature of 21 degrees Celsius source, cool in summer, is an ideal summer resort. Area away from Lin'an city, 20 kilometers away from Hangzhou, 65 kilometers away from Shanghai, Nanjing, Suzhou and other cities King about three hours, location advantages, with Hangzhou, Huzhou, Lin'an, Angelina and other brothers and scenic spots ideal Gold Travel Link , tourism, vacation, leisure and resort the perfect place. Here is the King everywhere, step by step is the King, beautiful place to hide. Ten-mile long valley asparagus Gorge,  hangzhou travel the mountains stretches, lush vegetation, cliffs thousands of feet above the Zoysia grass jelly asparagus long flowing air; faint valley between the pebbles around, flying down the river waterfall, Bitan ring series . Excellent natural environment, for all types of animals provide a good breeding habitat conditions. Valley animals, variety, when the hare, pheasant channeling more forest streams, climb cliffs common Qunhou board sticks behavior among, charm will occur. For more information, please shift to China Adventure Tour

