
Hangzhou Trip

Rain, the rain moistens the back and forth quietly and silently lying in the vehicle that the cement road This promise is now at the stage of the morning, the city is so quiet, with so ... Hangzhou Tours... even if, coming and going, even though, busy Although not the first time in Guangzhou, but still curious about how people can so much ah? A city, the specific number of how many buses I do not know, to have seen more than a thousand numbers, and each had pushed to take the stand that a fixed place.

Us will be prepared to change the car, the money is ready, the car arrived, the car, money, and was Hanzhu out, "Hey, you two just give two dollars. "? ? ?"You can see for yourself, it's clear that four, I can help you count it. "How is the four, clearly on the two, I have not the money to go down, I saw you put the two pieces. "you have the ability to open and count them. " I actually know this is impossible, but why should I be this wrong? Hangzhou Travel I would like to continue to argue with him. Are urging people in the car, and "Come on friends to drive. ""I'm pressed for time. " I'm standing here if that person is to them, but also so cold that it? So this scene I was not only newspapers, news on the see.

Friends more angry, "money is not it, you optimistic about, one, two. other not, the money we have something to be. "We walked out angrily to the back."glasses they also learn to quarrel. Hangzhou Travel "This is a successful bus driver in Guangzhou after winning said."It seems that when the next bus was done for each number to the driver clearly had to read. " This is a bustling city come to us on the first conclusion.For more information, please click to http://onlinechinatours36.blogspot.com/

