
Guilin Tours: Ningbo Tour Contest

The afternoon of June 28, Ningbo City, the tourism industry first "Health Cup" competition held knowledge. Knowledge to participate in the competition a total of 12 Guilin Tours teams 36 players, all from the front-line employees in the tourism industry.
Currently, all walks of life safety situation is not optimistic, because of its tourism industry are unique, security is particularly interesting, especially some time ago in Taiwan Alishan train car accident once again sounded the alarm for us. In recent years, rapid development of tourism in Ningbo, has made remarkable achievements, tourism has played an important security "escort" role, the city tourism industry has not occurred for six consecutive years safety accidents. However, the safety of vehicle travel, area of ​​security risks and the hotel fire, electrical irregularities still occur, mainly due to tourism practitioners study the weak sense Guilin Travel of safety and security of the lack of knowledge and capacity to respond. "Without security there is no tourism," how to further enhance the tourism business full safety awareness, promoting modern safety management, safety and employee safety and health education building, a city tourism safety a top priority. "Health Cup" competition held knowledge to further improve the safety of employees in tourism management and the ability to respond to emergencies, and jointly create a "safe travel" good atmosphere. For more information, please shift to China Adventure Tour

