
Travel Silk Road by Train

Impact: positive passenger, tourism has little effect
For high-speed rail deceleration, price cuts, the domestic airline managers Wangbin Wu believes that high-speed rail motor car slow down, the planes quickly obvious advantages, aircraft passengers may choose more "present time when travel season, With high-speed rail motor car slow down, more speed advantage of the air will no doubt win more attendance. "
A bus station responsible person believes that the high-speed rail motor car slowed down after the impact of attendance on the bus yet seen. However, with the motor car slowed down, EMU daily departure frequency will decrease. Thus, a considerable part of the ride passengers will turn to the departure time is more flexible, more luxury bus trips.
According to statistics, travel agencies launch tourism products in order to train as a means of transport has a considerable share, but mostly in short-distance travel, booking train tickets is still a positive for business travel. Tian Jian, a travel agency staff said: "The high-speed rail motor car slow down, visitors will go on the road an hour, the tourists, they also train the train, not deliberately transfer of transport."For more information, please shift to China Adventure Tour

